About Us

We are a family that loves adventure. After countless hours of research to figure out what adventures we wanted to take, we decided to start documenting the ones we are doing and share our adventures, as to make it easier for others to find adventure. My wife is from the Ozarks, more specifically the Boston Mountain area of the Ozarks so that is where we started our adventure. The whole familly went and got our motorcycle license, we got scuba certified, and took some classes to Kayak, Rock Climb and are constantly learning how to better do what we do. We are by no means professionals. Please spend some additional time researching any of the adventures you see us do here as many of them are dangerous. Feel free to contact us via our contact us page, we would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions to make this page more useful or have any questions.

Explore with

Inspiration and guidance for wherever your trail may lead.